Shaft Conveyance Systems for Heavy Loads in Mining

A shaft conveyance system is a transport system specially designed for moving very heavy loads over long distances in the vertical shafts of mines. They are fundamentally similar to elevator systems. Shaft conveyance systems play an important role in a mine's transportation system. Depending on their intended use, they serve either the transport of products and/or the transport of personnel, which is referred to as "cable transport" in mining.

Shaft conveyance systems are used to transport loads out of or into the mine structure. There are main and auxiliary shaft conveyance systems that differ in their use. While shaft conveyance systems resemble elevators, they are distinguished by being designated for a limited group of people. Depending on the location, there are surface shaft conveyance systems and blind shaft conveyance systems.

Mining Calendar “Shaft Conveyance Systems in European Mining”

The new mining calendar “Shaft Conveyance Systems in European Mining” features in each edition 12 historical headframes and hoist towers from different regions of Europe. There are significant architectural differences between individual conveyance systems, some are plain steel structures, while others are made of stone resembling residential buildings. The wall calendar is aimed at those interested in historical mining. It is produced in limited quantities and can be ordered online at

Decline of Mining in Europe

Europe's influence in the global mining industry has significantly declined over the last 150 years. While in 1860 Europe accounted for 62 percent of the global revenue from metal extraction, this value for the 28 EU member states is now only 3 percent. This dramatic decrease in influence can be attributed to various factors. On one hand, globalization which brought other countries into play, and on the other hand, the technological revolution which simplified and therefore made many processes cheaper.

Mining Returns to Europe

The current shortages in rare earth elements are primarily caused by unregulated markets - China controls 97 percent of it. The fight for access to resources will become increasingly harder due to the long-term rising demand. Europe intends to rely more on mining in the future, making greater use of its domestic resources. Domestic raw materials are becoming interesting again. It will be worth reviving closed deposits. New mining projects will also need to be developed to break free from the dependency on individual countries like China.

European mining will continue to develop in the coming years, creating new jobs. Europe has the opportunity to set global standards for environmentally friendly resource extraction. The development of wind and solar technologies not only significantly improves air quality, but also reduces the import of gas and coal from countries like Russia.

For Europe, achieving strategic independence, especially in the energy sector, is crucial. This is the only way to ensure that the green transition can actually be implemented. At the same time, it is important for Europe to become more independent concerning critical raw materials. Lockdown-induced supply shortages, such as solar modules from China, demonstrate our vulnerability. Without lithium from Chile, cobalt from the Congo, and rare earths from China, there would be no batteries for electric cars.
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